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Shigeru Yao

Shigeru Yao

Fukuoka University, Japan


Shigeru Yao, Doctor of Engineering, now is a Professor of Department of Chemical Engineering, Fukuoka University. He got his Engineering Doctor’s degree at Kyoto University. His Doctor thesis is “Viscoelastic Properties of Concentrated Disperse Systems of Polymeric Microgels”. Currently, he research focuses on self-organization mechanism of polymer especially the crystalline supramolecular interaction between side chain crystalline block co-polymer and crystalline polymer. He found that by using the interaction, the surface properties of crystalline polymer, such as polyethylene and polytetrafluoroethylene, can modify without any physical treatment. He also focuses on the material recycle of polymers.


Abstract : Non-solidification function of wax by the side chain crystalline block copolymer